Good Truth or Dare questions

319+ Fun And Exciting Truth Or Dare Questions For All Occasions

Are you ready to have some fun? 

If you’re looking for a game to play with friends or family, look no further than Truth or Dare!

This classic game is a great way to get to know people better and break the ice. 

But coming up with the perfect questions or challenges can be tricky. 

That’s where this post comes in! 

Whether you’re playing with your family, friends, or significant other, I’ve compiled a list of the best Truth or Dare questions for different ages and settings. 

So, grab some snacks, gather your crew, and let’s get ready for a fun and daring game of Truth or Dare!

Also read:

Best Truth Or Dare Questions For Adults/Friends

Truth or dare questions for adults

Truth Questions:

  1. What is your biggest fear?
  2. Have you ever lied to your best friend? If so, what was it about?
  3. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
  4. Have you ever cheated on a test or exam?
  5. What is something you’ve done that you regret?
  6. Who is your secret crush?
  7. Have you ever stolen anything?
  8. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
  9. Have you ever faked being sick to skip school or work?
  10. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  11. Have you ever been in love?
  12. What is the worst date you’ve ever been on?
  13. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher or professor?
  14. What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
  15. Have you ever been in a fight? What happened?
  16. What is something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t had the chance to?
  17. Have you ever broken the law?
  18. What is the most embarrassing thing in your room right now?
  19. Have you ever told a lie that got someone else in trouble?
  20. What is your biggest insecurity?
  21. Have you ever been rejected by someone you liked? How did you handle it?
  22. What is your biggest accomplishment?
  23. What is the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
  24. Have you ever had a one-night stand?
  25. What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever said in front of a group?
  26. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the police? What happened?
  27. What is something you’ve always wanted to tell someone but haven’t had the courage to?
  28. Have you ever been in a car accident? Were you at fault?
  29. What is something you’ve done that you’re proud of but haven’t told anyone about?
  30. Have you ever had a crush on a friend’s significant other?
  31. What is the worst job you’ve ever had?
  32. Have you ever stolen something from a friend or family member?
  33. What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever worn?
  34. Have you ever been fired from a job? Why?
  35. What is something you’ve done that you wish you could take back?
  36. What is the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
  37. Have you ever had a near-death experience? What happened?
  38. What is something you’re afraid to tell your parents?
  39. Have you ever lied about your resume or job application?
  40. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done in front of a mirror?
  41. Have you ever been caught doing something you shouldn’t have been doing?
  42. What is something you’re terrible at but wish you were good at?
  43. What is the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
  44. Have you ever been in a relationship that you regret?
  45. What is the biggest mistake you’ve ever made?
  46. Have you ever been in a situation where you had to lie to protect someone else?
  47. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you while on a date?
  48. Have you ever had a crush on a celebrity? Who was it?
  49. What is your biggest secret?
  50. Have you ever lied to your boss to get out of work?
  51. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you in public?
  52. What is the worst date you’ve ever been on?
  53. What is the ridiculous thing you’ve ever spent money on?
  54. Have you ever pretended to like a gift you received?
  55. What’s the worst haircut you’ve ever had?
  56. What’s the most embarrassing song on your playlist?
  57. What was the last thing you ate that you regretted?
  58. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
  59. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done on public transportation?
  60. What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone else?

Dare Challenges:

  1. Sing a song in public.
  2. Do an old dance with a hat and an umbrella.
  3. Eat a spoonful of hot sauce.
  4. Take a cold shower.
  5. Call your crush and confess your feelings.
  6. Eat a raw egg.
  7. Dance like crazy for 1 minute.
  8. Let the person on your right draw on your face.
  9. Put ice cubes down your shirt.
  10. Do a handstand for 10 seconds.
  11. Ask a stranger for a piggyback ride.
  12. Send a risky text to someone you like.
  13. Eat a spoonful of peanut butter without water.
  14. Shower with your clothes on.
  15. Twerk for 30 seconds.
  16. Talk in a baby voice for the next hour.
  17. Do 20 pushups.
  18. Let the other players redo your hairstyle.
  19. Go outside and yell at the top of your lungs.
  20. Take a shot of vinegar.
  21. Spin around ten times and then try to walk a straight line.
  22. Do a funny dance in public for at least 1 minute while pretending to be a famous dancer.
  23. Pretend to be a chicken for the next minute.
  24. Text your ex and say you miss them.
  25. Walk on your hands for 10 seconds.
  26. Put lipstick on your face like a clown.
  27. Take a shot of lemon juice.
  28. Wear your clothes backward for the rest of the game.
  29. Do a plank for 1 minute.
  30. Try to lick your elbow.
  31. Make a fake proposal to a stranger.
  32. Do 10 burpees.
  33. Wear a sign that says “Kick me” and walk around the block.
  34. Put makeup on a guy’s face.
  35. Try to fit as many marshmallows in your mouth as possible.
  36. Do 5 minutes of high knees.
  37. Wear a funny hat for the rest of the game.
  38. Speak in a different accent for the next hour.
  39. Do 10 jumping jacks.
  40. Put on a blindfold and let someone feed you something.
  41. Switch outfits with someone in the group and wear their clothes for the rest of the game.
  42. Ask a stranger to take a selfie with you.
  43. Put your phone on speaker and call your mom.
  44. Wear a ridiculous outfit and go to the store.
  45. Do the worm on the floor.
  46. Hold an ice cube in your hand until it melts.
  47. Call a random number and have a 2-minute conversation with the person using only movie quotes
  48. Eat a spoonful of mustard.
  49. Walk on your tiptoes for the next hour.
  50. Hug a stranger.
  51. Call a random person from your contacts and sing them a song.
  52. Go a whole day without speaking.
  53. Perform a stand-up comedy routine.
  54. Eat something spicy without drinking anything.
  55. Give a compliment to a stranger.
  56. Strike a pose and hold it for 30 seconds.
  57. Text the last person you talked to and ask them if they believe in ghosts.
  58. Do a dramatic reading of a grocery store list as if it were a Shakespearean monologue.
  59. Go into the kitchen and make a sandwich blindfolded.
  60. Act out a scene from your favorite movie.

Funny Truth Or Dare Questions

Best truth or dare questions

Truth Questions:

  1. What’s the funniest joke you’ve ever heard?
  2. Have you ever farted in public and blamed it on someone else?
  3. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done in front of a crush?
  4. Have you ever peed in a pool?
  5. Have you ever laughed so hard that you peed your pants?
  6. Have you ever walked into a glass door?
  7. What’s the craziest dream you’ve ever had?
  8. Have you ever eaten food off the floor?
  9. Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction?
  10. What’s the silliest thing you’ve ever done for love?
  11. Have you ever pretended to know someone you actually didn’t?
  12. Have you ever fallen asleep in class or at work?
  13. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
  14. Have you ever been caught talking to yourself?
  15. What’s the funniest pickup line you’ve ever used?
  16. Have you ever lied to get out of trouble? What did you say?
  17. What is the silliest thing you’ve ever done while drunk?
  18. Have you ever snorted when laughing too hard?
  19. Have you ever laughed at a joke you didn’t understand just to fit in?
  20. What is the funniest text message you have ever received?

Dare Challenges:

  1. Make a prank call to a friend pretending to be someone else.
  2. Sing a song in a foreign language you don’t know
  3. Do an interpretive dance to your favorite music.
  4. Walk backward for the next 5 minutes.
  5. Run outside and yell, “I love my mom/dad,” at the top of your lungs.
  6. Put on a wig and impersonate a celebrity for the next 3 minutes.
  7. Dance like a crazy person to your favorite song for 30 seconds.
  8. Brush your teeth with hot sauce instead of toothpaste.
  9. Speak only in rhymes for the next hour.
  10. Tell a joke to a stranger and make them laugh.
  11. Make up a story about a ridiculous animal and tell it to the group.
  12. Sing the chorus of your favorite song in a funny voice.
  13. Wear a shirt with a silly message on it for the rest of the game.
  14. Put on lipstick without using your hands.
  15. Use a toilet paper roll as a microphone and sing a song.
  16. Pretend to be a news reporter and report on a silly made-up event.
  17. Text your mom or dad and tell them you got a tattoo.
  18. Go outside and do the Macarena in front of your neighbors.
  19. Act like a monkey for the next 5 minutes.
  20. Speak gibberish for 1 minute and try to make everyone else understand you.

Best Truth Or Dare Questions For Kids

Truth or dare questions for teenagers

Truth Questions:

  1. What is something you’re afraid of that you wish you weren’t?
  2. What is the funniest joke you know?
  3. What is something you like to do that other kid might find weird?
  4. Have you ever broken a rule? What did you do?
  5. What is your favorite subject in school and why?
  6. Who is your favorite teacher, and why?
  7. Have you ever tried a food you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving?
  8. What is the hardest thing you’ve ever done?
  9. What is your favorite book and why?
  10. Who is your favorite character from a book or movie, and why?
  11. Have you ever broken a promise?
  12. What is your favorite thing to do when you’re bored?
  13. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
  14. What is your favorite thing to do with your family?
  15. What is the best gift you’ve ever received?
  16. What would it be if you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life?
  17. What is something you wish you were better at?
  18. Have you ever had a dream that felt real? What was it about?
  19. What is your favorite thing to do outside?
  20. Where would you go and why if you could go anywhere in the world?
  21. What is the best thing that’s ever happened to you?
  22. If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would it be and why?
  23. What is something you’ve always wanted to learn how to do?
  24. What is your favorite animal, and why?
  25. What is something you’re looking forward to in the future?

Dare Challenges:

  1. Sing your favorite song in front of everyone.
  2. Do 10 jumping jacks while saying a tongue twister 3 times in a row without making any mistakes.
  3. Dance like your favorite animal.
  4. Hop on one foot around the room.
  5. Do a silly dance.
  6. Make a funny face and take a picture.
  7. Do a cartwheel or somersault.
  8. Draw a picture blindfolded.
  9. Walk across the room with a balloon between your knees without dropping it.
  10. Use your non-dominant hand to write your name as neatly as possible.
  11. Call a family member and tell them a silly joke.
  12. Stand on one leg for as long as you can.
  13. Do the chicken dance.
  14. Try to balance a spoon on your nose for 10 seconds.
  15. Do a headstand or a handstand against the wall.
  16. Run around the room three times.
  17. Sing the alphabet backward.
  18. Put on a blindfold and try to guess what objects are in a bag just by feeling them. 
  19. Walk like a crab across the room.
  20. Make a tower out of playing cards and try not to let it fall.
  21. Do a plank for as long as you can.
  22. Try to touch your nose with your tongue.
  23. Put a piece of bubble gum in your mouth and try to blow a bubble.
  24. Balance a book on your head and walk around the room.
  25. Make a silly face and take a selfie.

Best Truth Or Dare Questions For Couples

Truth or dare questions for couples

Truth Questions:

  1. What’s the most romantic thing your partner has ever done for you?
  2. Have you ever had doubts about your relationship? If so, what were they?
  3. What’s your biggest fear about your future together?
  4. What’s one thing you wish your partner would do more often?
  5. Have you ever kept a secret from your partner? If so, what was it?
  6. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you while you were with your partner?
  7. What’s your partner’s most annoying habit?
  8. What’s one thing you’d like to change about your relationship?
  9. What do you appreciate most about your partner?
  10. What’s the one thing you wish your partner knew about you?
  11. What’s one thing you’d like to try in the bedroom?
  12. What’s something you’ve never told your partner before?
  13. What’s your favorite thing about your relationship?
  14. What’s the most romantic date we’ve ever been on?
  15. What’s your biggest turn-off?
  16. What’s your biggest turn-on?
  17. What’s your favorite physical feature about your partner?
  18. What’s your least favorite physical feature about your partner?
  19. What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself from your relationship?
  20. What’s one thing you’re grateful for about your relationship?
  21. What’s one thing you’re looking forward to in your future together?
  22. What was your first impression of your partner?
  23. Have you ever kept a secret from your partner? If so, what was it?
  24. What would it be if you had to choose one thing you love about me the most?
  25. What is the biggest challenge you and your partner have overcome together in your relationship?

Dare Challenges:

  1. Give your partner a sensual massage for five minutes.
  2. Kiss your partner passionately for 10 seconds.
  3. Cook your partner’s favorite meal for dinner.
  4. Write your partner a love letter and read it aloud.
  5. Dance to a romantic song with your partner.
  6. Give your partner a foot massage.
  7. Hold hands with your partner for an entire movie.
  8. Wear your partner’s favorite outfit for a day.
  9. Make a video confession of your love for your partner.
  10. Blindfold your partner and feed them a surprise treat.
  11. Send your partner a romantic text message every hour for the next five hours.
  12. Create a romantic scavenger hunt for your partner.
  13. Watch your partner’s favorite movie together and discuss it afterward.
  14. Take a bubble bath together.
  15. Give your partner a surprise hug and kiss from behind.
  16. Do a fun and challenging workout together.
  17. Give your partner a surprise gift.
  18. List 10 things you love about your partner and read it aloud.
  19. Do a fun outdoor activity together, like a hike or a bike ride.
  20. Take a dance class together.
  21. Spend an entire day without using any electronic devices.
  22. Spend a whole day doing things your partner wants to do.
  23. Create a scrapbook of your favorite memories together.
  24. Give your partner a surprise date night.
  25. Surprise your partner with breakfast in bed.

Truth Or Dare Questions Over Text

Best truth or dare questions over text

Truth Questions:

  1. What’s the most secretive thing you’ve done on your phone?
  2. Have you ever lied to your parents about something important?
  3. What is your most embarrassing nickname?
  4. Have you ever been lost? What happened?
  5. Have you ever snuck out of your house?
  6. Have you ever sent a text message to the wrong person?
  7. What is your biggest regret?
  8. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  9. What is the most interesting thing you have ever found on the ground?
  10. Have you ever kept a secret from your best friend?

Dare Challenges:

  1. Text your crush and tell them how you feel.
  2. Do a silly dance and send a video of it to the group chat.
  3. Send a funny meme to your group chat.
  4. Post a funny picture of yourself on social media.
  5. Do 10 pushups and send a video of it to the group chat.
  6. Text your crush a cheesy pickup line.
  7. Do a dramatic reading of your favorite song and send a recording of it to the group chat.
  8. Send a random emoji to someone in your contacts and see how they respond.
  9. Text a friend and ask them to describe you in three words, then send it to the group chat.
  10. Text a random number and start a conversation with them.

Truth Or Dare Questions For ESL Learners

As you probably already know, this website is all about helping you improve your English skills

And what better way to do that than by playing some fun games, like Truth or Dare! 

This classic game is a great way to practice speaking and listening in English while having a lot of fun with your friends or classmates.

In this section, I’ve put together some Truth or Dare questions specifically designed for ESL learners. 

So, whether you’re a beginner or a more advanced English speaker, grab some friends, and let’s get started!

Truth Questions:

  1. What is your favorite English word?
  2. Have you ever traveled to an English-speaking country? If so, where?
  3. What English book are you currently reading?
  4. Do you prefer American or British English? Why?
  5. What’s the longest English conversation you’ve ever had?
  6. What was the last book you read in English?
  7. What do you find most challenging about learning English?
  8. What is one English grammar rule you struggle with?
  9. Have you ever watched an English movie without subtitles? Which one?
  10. Have you ever had an embarrassing moment while speaking English?
  11. Who is your favorite English-speaking celebrity?
  12. What English accent do you find the most difficult to understand?
  13. What is the best English word to describe your personality?
  14. What English language-learning app or program do you find most helpful?
  15. Have you ever tried to teach English to someone else? How did it go?
  16. What is your least favorite English word?
  17. Have you ever been in a language exchange program? How was your experience?
  18. Do you prefer speaking or writing in English? Why?
  19. What is one thing you wish you could say in English but can’t?
  20. Why do you learn English?

Dare Challenges:

  1. Act out your favorite English idiom.
  2. Sing a song in English with exaggerated facial expressions.
  3. Give a one-minute impromptu speech on a random topic.
  4. Read a tongue twister in English out loud.
  5. Act out a scene from an English movie without speaking.
  6. Give a two-minute speech about your favorite English-speaking country.
  7. Ask a stranger in English for directions to a place you don’t need to go to.
  8. Make a phone call in English to order food or book a reservation.
  9. Describe an object in the classroom in English without saying its name, and see if your classmates can guess what it is.
  10. Talk to a stranger in English for five minutes.
  11. Listen to an English podcast or news article for ten minutes and summarize it in your own words.
  12. Write a letter to an English-speaking friend, telling them about your day.
  13. Tell a joke in English.
  14. Use English to negotiate a lower price for an item you want to buy.
  15. Ask someone on a date using English.
  16. Compliment a stranger in English.
  17. Take a selfie with a stranger and then introduce yourself in English.
  18. Read a paragraph from an English book backward.
  19. Describe a picture in English and have others guess what you are describing.
  20. Do a TikTok dance in English.

How To Handle Uncomfortable Truth Or Dare Questions

Let’s face it. You might come across some uncomfortable questions or dares when playing truth or dare. 

So, what do you do?

First things first, it’s important to remember that you have the right to say NO if a question or dare makes you uncomfortable. 

No one should ever feel pressured to do something they are uncomfortable with.

If someone in the group does say no to a question or dare, respect their decision and move on to the next person. 

Another approach is to set some ground rules and boundaries before the game starts. 

This way, everyone knows what to expect and can feel comfortable participating.

You could establish some ground rules, like no physical harm or sharing personal information without consent. You can also set a time limit for each turn so the game doesn’t go on forever. 

Establishing a “safe word” or signal anyone can use if they feel uncomfortable with a question or challenge is also a good idea. This lets everyone know they can speak up if needed without feeling embarrassed or judged.

If someone does end up feeling uncomfortable, be understanding and supportive. Check in with them, ask if they’re okay, and take a break if necessary.

Remember that the goal is to have fun, but not at the expense of someone else’s comfort or safety.

How To Modify Truth Or Dare Questions For Different Settings

When it comes to truth or dare, the questions you ask can make or break the game.

For example, if you’re playing with kids, you can modify the questions to be age-appropriate. Instead of asking about embarrassing moments or past relationships, you can ask questions about their favorite cartoon character or what they want to be when they grow up.

On the other hand, if you’re playing with a more mature audience, you can ask more thought-provoking questions. You can ask about their biggest fears, significant accomplishments, or even opinions on controversial topics.

If you’re playing truth or dare in a workplace setting, you should be careful not to ask anything considered inappropriate or offensive. Stick to questions about work-related topics, such as professional goals or career aspirations.

However, if you’re playing with a group of close friends, you might be comfortable asking more personal or risqué questions. It’s still important to consider your friends’ boundaries and avoid asking anything that could make them uncomfortable.

Fun Variations Of Truth Or Dare

If you want to switch things up and add some excitement to your game of truth or dare, you can try many fun variations!

The best part?

You can customize them to suit your group’s preferences and interests.

One popular variation is “Never Have I Ever.” 

Instead of asking a question or daring someone to do something, each player takes turns saying something they’ve never done before. If someone in the group has done it, they have to take a drink or perform a challenge.

Another fun variation is “Two Truths and a Lie.” 

Each player takes turns saying three statements about themselves—two are true, and one is a lie. The other players have to guess which one is the lie. If they guess correctly, the player who made the statements has to perform a challenge.

If you want to add physical challenges to the game, try “Minute to Win It.” 

Each player has one minute to complete a challenge in this variation, such as stacking cups or balancing objects. If they succeed, they get to ask a question or give a dare to another player.

For a more romantic twist, try “Truth or Dare for Couples (review the previous section on couples).” This version includes questions and challenges designed to bring couples closer together and deepen their relationship.

So, get creative, try out some of these new versions, and enjoy a night of laughter and fun with your friends!

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