IELTS Speaking Part 3 questions and answers

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions With Answers (Top 50) 2023

7. Shopping

Q: Is shopping a popular activity in your country?

A: Yes, shopping is a popular activity in my country. People often shop to buy clothes, food, and other household items. In recent years, there has been an increase in online shopping, which has made it more convenient for people to shop from home. Shopping malls and markets are also popular destinations for people browsing different stores and products.

Q: How have shopping habits changed over recent years?

A: Shopping habits have changed significantly over recent years thanks to the rise of online shopping. Many people now prefer to shop online because it’s more convenient and saves time. Plus, there has been a shift towards more sustainable and ethical shopping habits, with many consumers preferring to buy products that are environmentally friendly and produced ethically.

Q: To what extent do you think advertising affects the way people shop?

A: Advertising has a significant impact on the way people shop. They are designed to create a desire for products and influence consumer behavior. They can persuade people to buy products they might not otherwise purchase, often shaping their perceptions of brands and products.

Q: Why do some people prefer to purchase brand-name products produced abroad?

A: Some people believe these products are more prestigious and of higher quality. They may also feel that buying these products reflects their social status and gives them a sense of belonging to a particular social group. Plus, some foreign brands may not be available in their home country, creating exclusivity.

Q: Is service better in large shops or small shops?

A: Service quality can vary between large and small shops. Large shops often have more resources and can provide a broader range of products and services, but their customer service may be less personal. In contrast, small shops often provide more personalized service and can offer more specific advice and recommendations but may have limited product offerings.

Q: What do people do when they get bad service?

A: When people receive lousy service, they may complain to the store or business owner, leave a negative review online, or tell others about their negative experience. Some people may also take their business elsewhere and stop shopping at that particular store.

Q: Why do some people choose to do their shopping in a street market rather than the shopping mall?

A: Street markets often offer unique and locally-made products that are unavailable in larger chain stores. Street markets can offer a more personalized and interactive shopping experience, as customers can often haggle with vendors and learn about the products from the sellers themselves.

Q: Do you think that discounted goods have good value?

A: Discounted goods can have good value, but it depends on the quality of the product and the degree of discount being offered. In some cases, discounted products may have a lower quality than non-discounted items, so it’s important to carefully evaluate the product before purchasing. However, if the product is of good quality and the discount is significant, discounted goods can provide excellent value to the consumer.

Q: Do you think online shopping will replace shopping in reality?

A: While online shopping has become increasingly popular in recent years, it’s unlikely to replace shopping in physical stores completely. Shopping in person allows customers to see and feel the products before purchasing them, and it also provides a social and sensory experience that can’t be replicated online. However, online shopping is convenient for many people, particularly those with limited time or mobility.

Q: What would you do if you bought something disappointing from the Internet?

A: If I purchased something I wasn’t satisfied with, I would either return the product for a refund or exchange it. I usually contact the seller to explain my dissatisfaction and try to negotiate a solution. Sometimes, I might keep the product and accept the disappointment as a learning experience for future purchases.

Q: How has online shopping become popular these days?

A: Online shopping has become popular in recent years because of the convenience and ease of use of online marketplaces and retailers. Customers can browse products from the comfort of their own home, compare prices and reviews, and make purchases with just a few clicks. Additionally, fast and affordable shipping options have made online shopping even more attractive to consumers.

Q: Is it necessary for companies to set up customer service?

A: Companies must set up customer service to ensure their customers are satisfied with their products and services. Customer service allows customers to receive assistance with their purchases, get answers to their questions, and voice any concerns or complaints. Good customer service can lead to loyal customers and positive reviews, while poor customer service can lead to lost business and negative publicity.

Q: What products or services do people in your country like to complain about?

A: In general, people may complain about a variety of products and services, such as poor quality goods, unsatisfactory customer service, long wait times, and high prices. In some cases, customers may also complain about misleading advertising or unethical business practices.

Q: Would you buy anything from a shop you complained about earlier?

A: It depends on the nature of the complaint and how the shop resolved the issue. If the shop responded quickly and appropriately to my complaint and offered a satisfactory solution, I would gladly shop there again. However, if the shop didn’t address my concerns or offered poor customer service, I would be hesitant to make future purchases from them.

Q: Do you think customers’ complaints will improve products or services?

A: Yes, I think so. When customers provide feedback or complaints, companies can use that information to make necessary changes and improvements. By listening to and addressing customers’ concerns, companies can show that they care about their customers and are committed to providing quality products or services.

8. History

Q: Do you think history is important?

A: Absolutely. History is incredibly important, as it allows us to learn from the past, understand how the world came to be as it is today, and develop a sense of empathy and understanding for those who have come before us.

Q: Do you like to learn about history?

A: Yes, I find history to be a fascinating subject. I enjoy learning about the different events, people, and cultures that have shaped the world we live in today.

Q: What do you think we can learn by studying history?

A: We can learn many things by studying history, including how past events have shaped our world today, how different cultures and societies have interacted with one another, and how individuals and groups have overcome challenges and adversity. By studying history, we can also develop critical thinking skills and better understand ourselves and our place in the world.

Q: Do you think people can learn history from films or TV programs?

A: Yes. I think so. Films and TV programs can be a great way to learn about history. While they may not provide the same level of detail as books or academic papers, they can still give a general understanding of historical events and make them more accessible to a wider audience.

Q: Do you think the Internet is a good place to learn about history?

A: Yes, the Internet is a fantastic resource for learning about history. Countless online websites, articles, and videos can provide a wealth of information about historical events, people, and cultures.

Q: What is the effect of technology on how people learn about history?

A: Technology has significantly impacted how people learn about history. With the rise of the Internet and digital media, historical information has become more accessible to a broader audience. Technology has also enabled historians and researchers to analyze and share historical data more efficiently, allowing a more accurate understanding of the past. However, technology can also present challenges, spreading misinformation and losing physical artifacts and documents.

9. Internet

Q: How do you think the Internet will change people’s buying habits in the future?

A: The Internet has already changed people’s buying habits by providing a more convenient and efficient way to purchase goods and services. In the future, the Internet will likely continue to shape the way people shop, making it even more accessible and personalized.

Q: What are the pros and cons of shopping online?

A: Online shopping is convenient, provides a wide range of products, and is accessible 24/7. However, it has potential drawbacks, such as the inability to physically examine products before buying, delays in receiving purchases, security concerns, shipping costs, and technical issues.

Q: Is the Internet important for education?

A: The Internet has become an important tool for education, providing access to vast amounts of information and online courses. It allows people to learn from anywhere in the world and at any time, making education more accessible.

Q: Do you think parents should supervise their children’s use of the Internet?

A: Yes. Parents should supervise their children’s Internet use to ensure they are not accessing inappropriate content or engaging in risky online behavior.

Q: What’s the best age for children to use the Internet?

A: There is no specific age at which children should start using the Internet, as it depends on their needs and the level of parental supervision. However, children need to be taught about online safety and responsible Internet use from a young age.

Q: Why do children start using the Internet very early nowadays?

A: Nowadays, children start using the Internet early because of its widespread availability, and many schools use it as a teaching tool. Plus, many parents use the Internet for various tasks, such as shopping or communicating with others, which exposes children to it from an early age.

10. Decisions

Q: What’s the most important factor in decision-making?

A: Well. It can vary depending on the situation, but in general, it’s important to gather all relevant information, analyze the pros and cons of each option, and consider the potential consequences.

Q: Do you think adults always make better decisions than children?

A: I don’t think adults always make better decisions than children. While adults have more life experience, children can be creative and see things from a different perspective that adults might miss.

Q: Do you like to make quick decisions?

A: As for me, it depends on the situation. Sometimes it’s necessary to make quick decisions, but in other cases, it’s better to take the time to weigh all the options.

Q: What can people learn from wrong decisions?

A: Wrong decisions can provide valuable learning experiences. People can reflect on what went wrong and consider what they might do differently next time.

Q: Should parents make decisions for their children?

A: Parents should guide their children in decision-making and encourage them to think for themselves. Children must learn to make decisions to develop independence and confidence in their abilities.

11. Famous Person

Q: Should actors be paid more?

A: The answer to whether actors should be paid more is subjective. It can depend on various factors, such as the actor’s popularity, the production budget, and the market demand for actors. However, it’s worth noting that acting requires talent, hard work, and dedication, and actors should be compensated fairly for their work. In some cases, actors may receive a high salary because of their skill level and fame, but this is not always true.

Q: What influences do actors or actresses have on young people?

A: Actors and actresses often have a huge impact on young people, as they are role models for many. They can inspire young people to pursue their dreams, and their performances can positively impact their lives. However, they can also have a negative influence, as some celebrities may engage in behavior unsuitable for young audiences, such as drug use or promiscuity.

Q: Are there many people in your country who want to work as an actor?

A: Many people in my country want to work as an actor, especially young people. The entertainment industry is glamorous; many see it as a way to achieve fame and success. However, the competition in this field is very tough, and it’s not easy to break into the industry. Only a few succeed in becoming successful actors, while many others struggle to find work. Despite this, many people are always willing to try their luck in this field.

Q: Who is more popular, TV stars or movie stars?

A: This is a difficult question to answer, as it depends on various factors, such as the country, the audience, and the genre. TV stars are more popular in some countries than movie stars, while the opposite is true in others. Ultimately, popularity is subjective and can change over time.

Q: Are famous people always happy?

A: Fame and success do not necessarily equate to happiness, and many famous people struggle with mental health issues, stress, and personal problems. The pressures of fame can sometimes exacerbate these issues and lead to negative consequences.

Q: What makes a person famous?

A: A person can become famous for various reasons, such as talent, skills, accomplishments, or notoriety. They may also become famous because of their appearance, personality, or social media presence. It really depends on how the public and the media perceive them.

Q: To be famous, do you think a person needs to have some special talent?

A: While talent or skill can help someone become famous, it is not always required. Some people become famous for their looks, personality, or ability to generate controversy or drama. However, having a unique quality or characteristic can often help a person stand out and gain attention.

Q: How do people invade the privacy of famous people?

A: Famous people often face challenges with privacy, as they are constantly in the public eye. Paparazzi, media outlets, and fans can invade their privacy by taking photos or videos without consent, spreading rumors or false information, or harassing them in public or online.

12. Education

Q: Should all students pay for their university education?

A: I believe it depends on the country’s education system and economic status. Some countries have free or subsidized university education, while others require students to pay tuition fees. However, every student should have access to higher education regardless of financial status. If the government can provide financial aid or scholarships, it will help reduce the tuition fees burden on students and their families.

Q: Is higher education too expensive in your country?

A: Yes, higher education is becoming increasingly expensive in my country. The tuition, accommodation, and textbooks are continuously rising, making it difficult for many students to afford college. As a result, many students have to rely on loans or work part-time jobs to pay for their education, which might negatively impact their academic performance and mental health.

Q: What advantages do universities bring to society?

A: Universities play a crucial role in the development of society. They allow students to gain knowledge, skills, and expertise in various fields. This knowledge can then be applied to solve complex problems and contribute to advancing science, technology, medicine, and the arts. Universities also create a diverse and inclusive environment that promotes critical thinking, innovation, and social responsibility. They are essential for creating a well-educated and informed citizenry, which is vital for the prosperity and progress of a nation.

Q: How should students spend their summer vacations?

A: Summer vacations are an excellent opportunity for students to relax, recharge, and engage in activities that enhance their personal and professional development. Students can use this time to travel, volunteer, pursue internships, or participate in cultural or artistic programs. They can also read books, learn new skills, or participate in sports and outdoor activities. Whatever they choose to do, students should make the most of their summer break and use it as an opportunity to grow and learn.

Q: Should schools teach both arts and science?

A: Yes, I believe so. While science is important for developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills, arts help develop creativity, communication, and self-expression. Both subjects complement each other, and students can benefit significantly from learning both. Additionally, arts education has been linked to improved academic performance and social-emotional development, making it a valuable addition to any school curriculum.

Q: What kinds of courses are useful for university students?

A: Many courses can be useful for university students, depending on their interests and career goals. The most popular and practical courses include business, computer science, engineering, and healthcare. However, humanities and social sciences courses are also valuable for developing critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills.

Q: What school activities are good for schoolchildren?

A: School activities that promote physical activity, creativity, and socialization are suitable for schoolchildren. These include sports teams, music programs, drama clubs, and volunteer opportunities. They allow children to explore their interests and talents.

Q: Do many people in your country study abroad?

A: Yes. Pursuing higher education overseas can provide students with valuable cultural experiences and exposure to different teaching methods and perspectives. Plus, some universities abroad offer programs and courses that may not be available in my home country. However, studying abroad can be expensive and challenging, so it’s not an option for everyone.

Q: Are women encouraged to pursue education?

A: Yes, women are encouraged to pursue education in my country. Over the years, many efforts have increased girls’ access to education and improved gender equality in schools. Today, more women than ever are attending universities and pursuing careers in various fields. However, there is still room for improvement, and women in some parts of the country may face more barriers to education than others.

Q: Do you think teachers are paid enough?

A: In general, I don’t think teachers are paid enough for their important work. Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the future of our society, and they deserve to be compensated fairly for their efforts. However, in many countries, including mine, teachers’ salaries are often lower than those of other professionals with similar levels of education and experience. This can make it challenging to attract and retain talented educators.

Q: Do you think it is easier to learn as a child or as an adult?

A: Generally, learning as a child than as an adult is easier. Children’s brains are more malleable and capable of forming new neural connections, making it easier to absorb and retain information. Additionally, children have more time to devote to learning and are generally more open-minded and curious. However, adults benefit from life experience and often have a clearer understanding of their learning goals and objectives.

Q: Does education guarantee a good job?

A: Education can be an important factor in securing a good job, but it does not guarantee it. Other factors, such as job market conditions, competition, and networking, can also influence job prospects. However, education can provide individuals with essential skills and knowledge, making them more competitive in the job market and better prepared for career success.

Q: What are the qualities of a good teacher?

A: A good teacher should possess several qualities, including patience, creativity, enthusiasm, and good communication skills. They should be knowledgeable in their subject area and be able to convey information effectively to students of varying abilities. A good teacher should also be approachable, understanding, and supportive of their students, as well as able to provide constructive feedback to help them improve.

Q: What are the qualities of a good student?

A: A good student is typically hardworking, motivated, and disciplined. They are eager to learn, take responsibility for their education, and actively participate in class discussions and activities. Good students also have good time management skills, the ability to prioritize tasks, and are open to feedback to help them improve their work.

Q: What improvements does the school system need?

A: Many school systems can improve by providing equal access to education for all students, regardless of socioeconomic status or other factors. Additionally, many schools can benefit from implementing more modern teaching methods, such as project-based learning and technology integration, to better prepare students for the future.

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